Digital AHV app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Colmar von der Goltz
First release : 15 Mar 2020
App size: 0 Bytes
As a venue manager, many of your contractors have to file AHV forms / AHV waivers. dAHV enables you to file and administer all of your AHV forms, AHV waivers digitally without hassle of the paper copy.
There is no problem with a paper version of the a AHV form, AHV waiver, but there is the issue of filing it and trying to read it later. Often contractors are in a hurry to get the paperwork done, which results in a handwriting that might prove to a time consuming hurdle when it comes to administering the AHV forms, AHV waivers. dAHV enables you have your forms filed digitally and takes care of the hand writing problem. The forms are archived and matched to accordingly so when it comes to reviewing them you wont need the time to do the unnecessary and exhausting paper review part.
You will have real time control over who has filed AHV forms, waivers and their content. You wont have the hassle of finding, sorting and reading through the individual documents, but have everything aligned and ordered to your convenience.
dAHV is the simplest way to sort your AHV forms once and for all.